Assistant Manager Finance - Karachi

rao haris 2022-03-21
 Position:                Assistant Manager Finance - KarachiEduc...
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5 Mistakes That Can Stop Career Growth


At the beginning of career, mistakes can take place as many of newbies have no basic training about mistakes they must avoid. Because they have no experience how to take care of the small things so the early years of their career plays a crucial role and creates a major impact on their life. We often find many youngsters complaining that their career is not moving forward. Here are a few mistakes that any person should avoid in his professional life:
  1. Job hopping - Switching jobs too frequently leaves a bad impression. Employers usually consider such persons as uncommitted, unreliable, insincere, self-centered and money minded etc.
  2. Continuing in a job that is not teaching anything - Very often, many of us take a job just because we happened to get one. Once we start the job, we are reluctant to change because we are afraid of the change. Hence, even if we do not like the job or think that the job is not adding any value to our life, we continue to run the same. This is quite dangerous. A job that does not challenge our capabilities and teach us new things is a sure career disaster.
  3. Prioritizing financial aims - Nowadays, most of the youngsters are more concerned about the pay packet rather than anything else. This often results in taking up a job which is high paying but does not provide career growth. When we let financial priorities overtake our personal dreams, we are living the life of someone else. The charm of money fades away over a period of time, while career growth and skill enhancement takes you long and high. Although money is important, but it should not be the only aim for taking up a job.
  4. Being always available - Many youngsters believe that they should always be available for their bosses since it will make them indispensable. This may get you short term benefits, but this puts the person in a stress-induced situation. Your boss may start taking you for granted, or may expect too high from you, etc. Soon, the person may start hating the job.
  5. Not expanding your network - Once we land a job, most of us become part of the new work group. We do not extend our network to people outside the group. This limits our growth potential.

Take care of these small things and make sure your career grows.

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