Assistant Manager Finance - Karachi

rao haris 2022-03-21
 Position:                Assistant Manager Finance - KarachiEduc...
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The majority of the recruitments in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are processed through the recruitment agencies. The first thing a candidate should do is to find out which are the prominent recruitment agencies in Dubai Abu Dhabi if they are looking for a job here in UAE. That is because most of the jobs are fulfilled through recruitment agencies in UAE. Because employers would like to employ qualified candidates and because recruitment agencies are specialised in selecting qualified candidates, registering with recruiters is the first and foremost duty you should do when searching for a job.

Are you in Dubai looking for a job? Then read my “HOW TO FND JOB IN UAE ?”


Accel Management Consulting
(04) 352-4561
(04) 311-6888
REEQWEST HR Consultancy Solutions
(04) 887-9673

Here is the latest list of recruitment agencies that I have put together:

Note: Head Hunter list clean up – I have removed the names of the Recruitment Agencies who have neither a telephone number nor a website as it does not add value to just have your name here in the list. Soon, I will also clean up the listings which have only telephone number.

Also Read  Searching for UAE jobs online? Apply these 5 tips to ease your online job search "

Dubai Recruitment Agencies
A F Ferguson  
A1 SBS Services
ABC Consultant PVT.LTD.
971 4 351 9118
ABC Research  
Accel HR Consulting
971 4 352 4561
Adecco People One
971 4 362 5122
AGN MAK Executive Resoursing
971 4 221 8944
Al Kawasizimi Centre – Rec. Services
Al Madina Agencies & Services
ANOC Management Consultancy  
971 4 453 4080
Al Samit Management & Placement Consultants  
9714 3595152 / 53
Al Thawiya Technical Services 
Al Taayeen Management Consultants
971 4 324 4933
AMS International  
971 4 3916360
Apex Recruiting 
971 4 4458567
Apple Consultants
971 4 329 8220
971 4 390 0039
Arabian Centre Employment Services 
Asia-Gulf Recruitment Services Est.  
APT Consultants
971 4 397 0397
971 4 337 5747
971 4 391 1900
BEAMS International Management Consultants  
971 4 3974447
Beresford Blake Thomas
Bin Eid Services   
Brunel Energy  
Budge Recruiment FZ-LLC  
Brain Store
971 4 222 6535
Brooks wittle Management Recruitment
971 4 329 1678
Calibre Business Consultants  
Candor Management Consultancy
971 (06) 5639142
Career Avennues
Career Line recruitment & Training
971 4 551 1425
971 4 332 5116
Chronicle Human Resource Consultancy 
Clarendon Parker
971 4 391 0460
971 4 2663733 / 2663346
CORE Recruitment
Delta International Petroleum Services  
Dewan Consultants
971 4 3912932
Domino Recruitment & Consultancy  
971 4 3902090
DULSCO - Dubai Labour Supply Company
DSA Recruitment
971 4 345 6719
971 55 4646 685
E-Financial Careers Gulf
Elite HR Solutions  
971 4 3671773
Emasco Recruitments  
Emirates General Services Enterprises  
Euro Asia Manpower Supply  
Hunting Heads Executive Search Middle East
+971 4 3214459
Experts Consultancy  
Falcon Hunters International
971 4 331 5550
First Select UAE
971 4 343 4154
Focus Direct
971 4 355 4134
Forum International Executive Search 
Futurematch HR Consultancy 
971 4 282 4401
Golden Key Management Consultants  
971-4 2273325
Golden Standard Trading  
971 2 6659929
Grafton Group
971 4 367 1939
Gulf Bankers
971 4 391 4828
Gulf International Employment Services  
971 4 2966952
Gulf Job Seekers 
Gulf Personnel
971 4 367 1762
Gulf Talent
Harmony Management
971 4 396 4038
971 4 361 2882
Hemasco International  
971 4 3353221
HiSys HR
971 4 269 0095
Headhunter Dubai
971 4 3214459
Horwath Mak Executive Resourcing
971 4 4429794
Hunting Heads Executive Search Middle East
971 4 3214459
Hunting Heads Executive Search International
Ibtikar Management Services  
Interface L.L.C 
Icon Management
971 4 3525703
971 4 324 5157
Ingram Executive Search
971 4 324 2797
Insight Recruitment
971 4 332 9417
971 4 367 8161
iQ Selection
ISE Partners
+971 52 642 3131
ITP Consulting Group  
IT People (not only IT)
Jerry Verghese  
JHC Recruitment & Professional Services 
JIC Management Consultants
971 4 282 4037
Job Track Me
971 4 397 7751
Jobscan Executive Search
971 4 355 9113
Kershaw Leonard
971 4 343 4606
Knowles Recruitment  
Leading Edge Global
971 4 362 549
Lobo Management Services
971 4 331 3223
Ma Foi Management Consultants FZ LLC   
Medico International Recruitment FZ LLC  
MGHR Solution
Millenium Solutions
971 4 338 4944
Mindfield Resources
971 4 367 1797
Monster Gulf
MRI World Wide
971 4 331 3401
Nicholson International Middle-East  
Online Healthcare Professional recruitment Services
971 4 342 2750
971 4 335 3600
People One Consulting  
Pinpoint HR
971 4 431789
Pro - search
971 4 335 3231
Purple Square
971 4 4563228
Randstad MENA
971 4 360 2626
Reach Employment Services
971 4 2824699
Recruits Management Consultancy
971 4 2500713
REEQWEST HR Consultancy Solutions DWC-LLC
+971 4 8141942
<">Reeqwest HR Consultancy
Reliance Human Resources Consultancy
+971 4 3544244
Rober Half International
971 4 382 6700
Santini Human Solutions   
Seekers Recruitment specialists  
Skillrate Advisors SAE (Gulf Regional Office)  
SEE (Specialized Expertise Establishment)
971 4 266 3316
Seekers Recruitment Info.
971 4 351 2666
Smart Venture Recruitment & Consultants
971 4 396 5600
Swift Management Services
971 4 297 1233
Sundus Management Consultancy
Talent Management Consultancy 
Technilink International Ltd 
The Hospitality Company 
Trust Recruitment & HR Consultancy  
Talent Asset
971 4 355 4242
Talent Dubai
971 4 335 0999
Ultimate Management Consultants
Vineyard Management Consultants  
World Wide Worker
971 4 390 0413
Abu Dhabi Recruitment Agencies
ABC Recruitment
971 2 676 8558
Al Madina
971 2 621 2333
Care Group
971 2 631 7081
Dana International
971 2 6348200
EMASCO (Emirates Management Assistance Compnay)
Reach Employment Services
00971 2 6765799
971 2 644 2868
SUNDUS Recruitment and Management Consultancy
971 2 672 9100
971 2 678 0320
Xperts UAE
971 2 644 6640
Sharjah Recruitment Agencies
All Arabia
971 6 573 7579
Candor Management Consultancy
971 (06) 5639142
Sound Lines Group
971 6 568 5255

Employment Agencies, Head Hunters in Dubai Abu Dhabi and Sharjah
I am updating this list of recruiters/headhunters regularly.

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