Use professional networking to get the job you want

Use professional networking to get the job you want

When you are job hunting, professional recommendations and endorsements often act as the silent yet decisive factor in landing the desired role. From job search websites the act of job seeking is now largely becoming mobile. In this multi-device, cross-platform job hunt, seekers and recruiters are both fighting for the edge. You can stand out with the one tool which recruiters often find most reliable and conspicuous – Professional Endorsements! The new Monster Mobile app combined with Monster’s Professional Networking for Jobs assists you to build a professional network with your peers, alumni, mentor, recruiters and companies. You can reach out within this network to get credible endorsements for your skills, expertise, experience and capabilities.

Here are some basics to keep in mind to build your Professional Endorsements:
How do they work?Your professional network is made up of your contacts from across your life – from school to college to the internships where you shined to the first job you cracked and the clients you have impressed along the way. Each of them knows your capabilities in different ways. Whether it’s your fire-fighting abilities, proactive professionalism, soft skills or even personality traits, these people from your past and present can help you stand out amidst the talent pool with endorsements of particular skills and capabilities to give recruiters a unique picture of you! These endorsements carry a further weight of authentication as they come from other trusted users within the network. Monster’s Professional Networking for Jobs helps job seekers connect with multitude of recruiters and companies within the Monster environment. With the Monster Mobile app, you are provided a quick and easy tool to give and receive endorsements within this network, anytime, anywhere. The app also provides real-time updates of endorsements received and given.

Create the Building Blocks
First and foremost, it is important to build a sound professional network. Monster Professional Networking for jobs lets you build robust professional relations within the Monster environment as well as import external contacts. You can follow companies and recruiters you like. Once you follow them, they will be able to look at your profile, complete with all your career history, skill endorsements and your professional photo. You are no longer a faceless candidate but have a unique profile which the recruiter can keep in mind. Monster’s Professional Networking is designed to help you build engagement with these companies/ recruiters as well as stay in touch with your other professional contacts – old colleagues, employers, alumni. These are the building blocks to scoring good endorsements later.
The More, The Better
In this case, the adage is truly accurate. More endorsements can mean more visibility in the virtual world. When recruiters sort through various profiles of candidates, which element do you think can help you stand out the most? It is your skills and expertise, verified and sanctioned by other competent professionals. The more people endorse you for a particular skill, the more you will stand out in the recruiter’s mind for a job that requires that skill. So don’t shy away from asking for endorsements. The Monster Mobile app makes this process as simple as the click of a button. As it interoperates with the Monster Professional Networking, you can quickly reach out to a contact and ask or give an endorsement.
Reach across the Board
Your endorsements are a summary of you – the skills you excel at and areas of expertise you have mastered over the years. Make sure you reach out across the board to get relevant endorsements from your seniors, peers as well as subordinates. At the end of the day, it’s not just about the quantity but also the quality of the endorsements. Several endorsements might catch a recruiter’s eye, but what will keep it there is the depth and reliability of your endorsers.

It’s a Give and TakeRemember to keep endorsing people within your network. This is not just good to nurture your relationships and receive endorsements in return, but can also increase your visibility with recruiters. When a recruiter comes to your page on Monster Professional Networking, they will not only see the skills you have been endorsed for, but also the skills you have endorsed others for. This can give a wider perspective of the skills and capabilities within your closest circle, which means a more holistic picture of what you are capable of bringing to the table.

Professional Endorsements can have an unpredictable advantage by helping you stand out in places you weren’t event looking. What if you are ideal for a job for which a candidate is being sought, but it is not within your network? If such a recruiter happens to land on your profile, it is these very endorsements which will help them identify you as the best choice! So do not underestimate the standout abilities of Professional Endorsements. Download Monster Mobile app and use the Professional Networking for jobs features and get going. Seek out and build your endorsements to shine through!

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