8 Tips to Get Job Easily in Dubai
1 – Identify Objective, Strength, Weaknesses
As Dubai job market is very competitive its is very important to identify your objectives and you should know your strength and weaknesses. It is very important for you to ask questions to yourself like how you could benefits your employer as well as what are your aspirations and motivations. Also you should be able to satisfy employer about your past and current work experience. Researching on employer (you can do it by checking out their websites) will certainly help you to convince employer that you can be a real asset to his team.
2 – Research Job Market
With most of local employers are now advertise on different job sites, it is not very difficult to know the job market trends in your particular sector. By researching on these sites you can easily get to know who is hiring and what skills related to your sector is in high demand. Research will help you to find what company, position to target and how easily you can approach to employer. I am here listing some most popular jobs websites in Dubai, where you can find out jobs in all sectors and from all levels like junior level to senior management.
Some Popular Jobs Sites in Dubai are:
3 – Create Online CV and Cover Letter
As mentioned earlier, now a days almost every employer knows the power of internet and according to a report 84% employers take time to asses candidates online before making any decision. So it is very important for you to build an online CV and a cover letter to increase your hiring possibilities. Also make sure that you regularly update your online CV and save them on almost all job sites. Your CV should look professional and the content is appropriate for the job. Also you should include plenty of keywords and details related to your sector such as, targeted industry, targeted job roles, your working experience and your skills. Keywords will make your CV easy to search and will help you to stand ahead with your competitors.
4 – Create Online Public Profile
Once your CV is ready and online, It is recommended that you should also have an online public profile with a personalize URL. Through this way it is easy for employers to find you through Google. Most importantly it states more details about yourself than just the CV and cover letter. It is like your online business card and enables you to get your colleagues to endorse your skills. For online public profile you can use many online platforms like Linkedin.com is the most popular. Also many Online Jobs websites offer this services like people.bayt.com. If you already know and comfortable with any other website you should share it in comment so others can know as well.
5 – Set a Routine and Follow it
It is some how very important that you should keep applying regularly for a month before coming to Dubai. Reason is that employers usually take time to review applications and obviously your time is limited. After arriving Dubai do not forget to update your contact information on your online CV and on public profile. It is very important to keep applying for jobs and keep refreshing your CV on regular basis. Continues refreshing your online CV ensures that your CV is on top of employers search result.
6 – Be Patient and Persistent
Because Dubai has become the hot spot for job searchers from all over the world it’s very easy for the job searcher to get disappointed with the result. You should understand the fact that its not very easy to get job in Dubai with such a high competitions. But at same time Dubai has the lowest unemployment rate in world and getting a good job is not something impossible. You just need to be patient and persistent when searching for a job in Dubai.
7 – Widened Network
Networking would not be easy for you as you are new in the city and don’t much about employers and not have much information about local market. So best way to find out is to keep checking for job fair or job expos happening in city. It is advisable to arrange your visit when these expos/fairs are scheduled. This would help you to meet employers personally or conduct informational interviews with company representatives such as which companies would be best to apply and ask for names of other contacts for your network.
8 – Follow up
As mentioned earlier you should update your contact information after arriving in city and also you should send follow up emails to those companies you have applied to. Tell them that you are in the city and available for interviews. If you are not successful in lining up job interviews before your visit to the city, at least schedule some informational interviews.
In my personal opinion its a wise thing to plan few days or a month trip to Dubai and search for the job or check out the market yourself. But it can be very tough at same time as it will be a completely new location for you and it is not always easy to roam around in a completely strange city without any help. I hope that with keeping above points in mind you can hit the jackpot much easily compare to find job without doing any homework.
If someone have any more tip please do share with us as everyone wants to try their luck or if you ask me for recommendation then instead of wasting your time here and there you should Click Here for the complete and detail guide on how to get job in Dubai
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