Finding good Job in Dubai is a dream for most of the people. People come to Dubai for job search due to luxuries life and good growth in career. Majority of the people are unable to find jobs in Dubai due to lack of preparation they did common mistakes. After a detailed research I have made top 10 common mistakes everyone does to get job in Dubai. Any job seeker in Dubai who can avoid these mistakes can increase the chances of getting his dream job in Dubai.
Mistakes to Avoid to get Job in Dubai
Following are the some common mistakes you must avoid to increase your chances to get job in Dubai.
Wrong Choice of Month while on Visit
Most common mistake that almost most of the job seekers do is coming to Dubai in wrong month. Dubai is an Islamic country and weather is too hot. These two factors along with other factors have made job market to be seasonal job market. I will advise never to visit Dubai in month of Ramadan or near Ramadan days or Eid days. The Best Month for applying jobs is January (Year Start), December (Year End), June, July (Mid of the year). Most of the companies do hiring in these months.
Unprepared and Unfocused CV/Resume
The most common mistakes that everyone does is having an unprepared or poor CV format. Many job seekers come without unprepared CV. They use such CV format that forced the employer to move for next candidate. CV should be focused. For example, If you are an accountant then whole CV should move around accounting thing. If you have a CV which can impress employers in 3 seconds then believe me you got your job. HR person are getting tons of CV on daily basis and only way to get selected is through your CV as they say first impression is last impression.
Wrong Job Search Strategy
Are you a job seeker? What is your Job Search Strategy? Answer is I did not make any job search strategy. This is the mistake that almost everyone has committed. Job seekers are unaware of art of job search. They fail to get job in Dubai due to poor job search strategy. Take a paper make a complete Job search strategy during your stay. Break down it to days. A good strategy can lead to dream job. Job Search strategies in Dubai can give you better insight of correct job search strategy.
Apply Online only
Job seekers depend upon only one source for applying jobs. It’s most observed Job seeker mistake. Normal Job seeker wake up in the morning go to selected 4-5 websites and apply on daily vacancies and wait for interview calls. Many recruiters do not post jobs on these websites. to get job in Dubai you should use references, social media like LinkedIn , attend walk in interview , apply on career pages etc. the best way to get jobs in Dubai is to find out companies who is your target company call them or visit them personally and drop your CV in the hands of HR person.
Apply with one CV
Applying for all job vacancies with one CV is most observed and worst mistake that almost every job seeker has done. Job seekers think they have made a cv that can work with all jobs position. Job seeker should customize CV according to job requirement if there is job which demands specific skills highlight that skills. Highlighting such skill will lead to enhanced chances of getting job. Customization is necessary before applying for any job in Dubai.
In active or wrong use of social Media for jobs
Job hunters are not aware of power of social media. Social media is most powerful tool for job now a day. Job hunters take fresh candidates from social media also. LinkedIn is one of them. LinkedIn is used by many top level companies recruiter. Quick advice is to create LinkedIn profile complete it and fill each and every detail. Become active on LinkedIn and Facebook Career related and professional discussion groups participate in discussion. Believe me you will be amazed to see the outcomes of power of LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media group.
Lack of Networking
Networking is the thing that many of job seekers don’t use. HR person of many companies don’t advertise jobs in newspaper or online website. They pick candidates from reference. Reference can increase the chances of jobs. Job seekers don’t use networking. Leverage your network to enhance jobs chances. Referencing or networking can land you quickly on the table of interviewer. Try to increase references and expand your network.
Lack of interview Skills
Job hunters don’t know how to give interview. They don’t prepare interview question. If they got any call from any company they just go for interview and lose job due to bad interviewing skills. Interviewing skills are very necessary to get jobs in Dubai. If you prepare your answer of interview before interview then you are selected for job.
Apply for wrong position
I have observed that almost every job seeker in Dubai apply with one CV and on all position. This is total wrong job search strategy. To get job in Dubai you need to save time and money. Search for exact match job position and apply with confidence only for that position. Follow up the job and your chances of selection will be increase.
Become Victims of Agents
I have seen many of job seekers that once they fail or see that they are not getting jobs in Dubai then they go for agents. Agents charge money with promise of giving jobs to job hunters but most of them are scam. Job seekers become victim of fake jobs giving agents. Never pay money to any job search agent before getting job in Dubai.
Above 10 mistakes are those common mistakes of everyone that decrease the chances of jobs in Dubai for Dubai jobs seekers. If these mistakes are avoided then chances of jobs are increased